What is Local Exhaust Ventilation (LEV)?

LEV ExtractionWhat is Local Exhaust Ventilation (LEV) and its benefits?

Local Exhaust Ventilation (LEV) refers to a specialised system designed to control and eliminate the release of airborne contaminants. Such as fumes, dust, or vapours, at their source within a workplace. So what is the primary objective of LEV? It is to safeguard the health and well-being of workers by preventing the inhalation of hazardous substances.

Key Components of LEV System:

  • Hoods and Canopies: Positioned strategically to capture contaminants generated during industrial processes, hoods and canopies play a crucial role in the initial phase of extraction.
  • Ductwork: The network of ducts serves as a pathway for transporting the captured contaminants away from the workplace to a safe discharge point.
  • Air Cleaners: Filters and scrubbers are employed to remove pollutants from the extracted air. This ensures that only clean air is released back into the environment.

Functionality of LEV:

The functionality of an LEV system revolves around creating a localized vacuum at the source of contamination. By capturing contaminants at the point of origin, LEV prevents the dispersion of harmful substances into the surrounding air. This in turn minimises the risk of respiratory issues and long-term health complications for workers.

Regulatory Compliance and Standards:

Occupational health and safety guidelines, established by regulatory bodies like the HSE, outline the legal requirements for maintaining a safe working environment. Compliance with these standards is essential for organisations to ensure the health and safety of their workforce.

Benefits of Effective LEV:

  • Health and Safety Advantages: The primary benefit is the protection of workers’ health by preventing the inhalation of hazardous substances, thereby reducing the risk of respiratory issues.
  • Environmental Impact: LEV systems contribute to environmental sustainability by minimizing the release of pollutants into the atmosphere, aligning with global efforts for eco-friendly workplaces.


Common Workplace Applications:

LEV systems find application in various industries, including welding environments, woodworking, and carpentry workspaces. In welding, LEV captures welding fumes, while in woodworking, it targets the extraction of wood dust to create a safe working environment.

Design Considerations:

Tailoring LEV systems to specific industries is crucial for optimal performance. This involves understanding the unique processes of each industry and customizing the LEV setup accordingly. Additionally, integration with existing infrastructure ensures a seamless and efficient system.

Maintenance Practices:

Regular inspections and timely repairs are vital to the effectiveness of LEV systems. Scheduled maintenance helps identify potential issues and ensures the system operates at its best, providing a continuous safe working environment.

Cost-Effective LEV Solutions:

Contrary to misconceptions, implementing an effective LEV system can be budget-friendly. Investing in high-quality components and professional installation pays off in the long run.  This can be achieved by reducing health-related expenses and boosting overall productivity.

Local Exhaust Ventilation (LEV) is a critical component of occupational health and safety. It provides a targeted approach to control and eliminate airborne contaminants in the workplace.


Nebrak ensures a safe working environment

Nebrak have worked closely with Woodwork Machinery Services Ltd to install a new Inventair extractor and bagging unit with bespoke galvanised housing at their manufacturing HQ in Devon, marking a significant step forward in enhancing extraction capabilities. The decision to upgrade was driven by the growing demand for catering and vending furniture solutions that are manufactured on-site and an on-going expansion strategy.

The move reflects a commitment to not only meet the increased production demands but also prioritise the well-being of employees by ensuring a safer working environment.


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